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Vorwerk as Employer

Work outside the box.

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Prepare your ideas for take-off, in more ways than one. In a vast range of countries across the globe, we combine technical know-how with a deep understanding of our customers’ needs to develop products and services that find their way into everyday people’s lives.

If you’re the type of person who thinks outside the box, one who pursues goals with courage, integrity and self-confidence, Vorwerk can provide the ideal environment with a team that’s got your back. Let’s move mountains – together.

Vorwerk? This is why



The world may be big, but it’s not big enough for us. Because we’ve still got a long way to go. Our goal is to inspire as many people as possible with products that improve their everyday lives. Want to join us? Vorwerk already has a presence in over 80 countries on five continents. Our plan to position ourselves on an even broader international scale promises to offer diverse career opportunities.

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Persönliche Weiterentwicklung

Personal development and further Trainings

Mutual support is a top priority at Vorwerk. Yet we don’t just help one another – we bring out the best in one another. That’s why we promote the talents and strengths of our employees through both professional and personal training as well as cross-functional and cross-divisional assignments. That’s how we prepare them to tackle the challenges of the future.
The Vorwerk Academy in the Villa Mittelsten Scheid in Wuppertal provides them with the opportunity to discover their inner potential while enhancing their team skills and solidarity. A positive individual is the key to a positive corporate culture.

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Work Life Balance


Satisfied and motivated employees should never be taken for granted – they’re the key to a company’s success. To establish a healthy work-life balance atmosphere, we had to rethink company structures and even rip down a few conceptual walls. The result? An increase in personal training opportunities, optimal work hour models and a wide range of offers to support employee health and family life.

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Vorwerk is a family business steeped in tradition and history. Since our foundation in Wuppertal in 1883, we have continually encouraged our employees to engage in free thought and to push conventional boundaries with a pioneering spirit.
Some things have changed since then. Vorwerk & Co. has developed into an internationally active corporation with almost 100.000 employees and advisors worldwide. Yet Vorwerk has always remained a family business – with a big family that always sticks together. One whose members support and stand up for another, whose members bond and laugh together. And one that never turns it back on its shared heritage of innovation.

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Stick to the beaten path and you may well never reach your destination. Sometimes a change of course is required – not just to think outside the box, but to break out of it altogether.
Our product development division fosters cross-divisional teamwork and our modern, open offices help inspire creativity by providing flexible space where our staff can unleash new mental energies. The result? An atmosphere both fertile to fresh ideas and innovation as well as destined to improve the everyday lives of our customers – customers who share in our pride when they read the words, “Made by Vorwerk”.

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Work Areas

Business and Operations

Business & Operations

No company can operate successfully without “business pilots,” people who recognize and develop their colleagues’ potential. Become a part of our team – in Human Resources, Finance, Controlling or Customer Care.

Product and Design

Product & Design

In order to guarantee the high quality of all Thermomix® and Kobold products, their development lies exclusively with Vorwerk. Help us shape the next generation as a member of our engineering and product development teams!

Technology and Data

Technology & Data

Everyone’s talking about the cloud, the IoT and big data – and so are we! That’s because we have millions of smart, connected products in our customers’ households! Join us and help develop new and meaningful IT, digital and data analytics solutions!



Strong product brands and an international presence: There are plenty of exciting stories to tell about Vorwerk. Join us and help develop modern solutions that cater to a wide range of interests with a mix of online, direct and event marketing.

Apprentices and Students

Apprentices & Students

Our training programs combine the very highest standards with a family atmosphere – even on first internships or work on a degree thesis. Help actively shape your future, whether you go for the commercial, industrial or technical side of our business.

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Direct Sales

Vorwerk has over 90 years of experience in direct sales. And we have constantly modernized it - for customers and as well as for our advisors. In Direct Sales, advisors can benefit from independent time management, high-quality products and attractive career opportunities. Anyone who likes to present outstanding quality to people and is a highly effective communicator will experience personal sales success with Vorwerk Kobold/Folletto and Vorwerk Thermomix®/Bimby®.

Application Process

We are looking for people with outstanding qualities.
And we have an aversion to barriers.

Where your job application is concerned, we want to make things as easy as possible for you and not put any barriers in your way. That’s why we offer you the convenience of applying online via our job portal. That makes our job easier, while you can be sure that your application will reach us as fast as possible.

Online Bewerbung

We’ll tell you straight:
What matters is the content.

Helping and supporting each other is writ large at Vorwerk. And it starts with your application. Nothing can really go wrong if you follow our tips. Make sure that your online application is genuine and complete, for instance. After all, we want to get the best possible impression of you. That’s why the content matters.

Along with your covering letter, we require a tabular CV detailing all the important stages in your education and working life (where appropriate, with details of additional qualifications and voluntary work), as well as copies of all relevant certificates and references (school and vocational training certificates, university degree, job and internship references, additional qualifications). If you are still a student, send us your current grade average.

By the way, it’s also a good idea to send in any samples you may have of your work! They set you apart from rival candidates and at the same time let us see what you can do and have already achieved. And that can certainly give you a head start.

Inhalt Bewerbung

It’s a good sign when we say:
We have to talk. 

We aren’t just looking for people to work with and for us, but for real characters who, like us, are enthusiastic about new things. Who are bold and eager to plumb their own depths and get to know their own strengths, and who actively support their colleagues and pitch in when it matters most. A personal interview gives us the opportunity to find out whether you are that kind of person and whether we are a good fit.

And now a few more tips for the interview. The most important thing is to be yourself. Don’t put on a front. Also, it can be useful to bear in mind that it’s not just you applying to us, but also that we are applying to you. So there is absolutely no need for you to feel under pressure.


We have the agony of choice.
You have all the opportunities.

We select our candidates according to clearly defined criteria: their strengths, their motivation and their previous employment and success. What we learn about your personal expectations for the future, your knowledge of our company and also the impression we are able to gain of you during the interview also influence our decision.

Oh yes, and we’ve already mentioned the work samples. We urge you not to hold them back; on the one hand because with them, you show us what you are capable of and have already achieved, and on the other, because we just happen to be very curious.


Career Insights

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Ensuring change within the company is the biggest challenge

What Defines Us an Employer

Wegbereiter icon
We are pioneers

The market is rife with challenges that demand flexibility. In that spirit, we encourage employees to work together and complement one another’s talents in order to greater enhance their skills of innovation, to blaze new trails through firm customer-oriented action.

Zukunftsvisionär icon
We are visionaries

For us, the future doesn’t begin tomorrow. We experience it in the here and now, putting into practice today the ideas that others only dream of.

Vorantreiber icon
We are energizers

When we come up with a concept, we trust in our own courage to change. And with that confidence, we stimulate innovation and launch new ideas – ones that fuel thought and propel us ever forward. Ideas that speak to our customers’ needs.

Mutmacher icon
We are motivators

What could be more appealing than a job that encourages you to think and gaze beyond the horizon, and not just on your beach holiday? One that offers balance between your professional life and private life?

Top Employer 2024

Career networks

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A company

With a global commitment

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About Vorwerk

Sustainable strategies have always ensured the success of the Vorwerk family business. Our products stand for innovation and quality and have been inspiring our customers for generations.

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Latest Press Releases

Whatever you’re looking for, press reports, interesting interviews or the latest news about Vorwerk, this is where you can learn what we are currently about here at Vorwerk.